Sandra was diagnosed with B-Cell Lymphoma in 2012.
She received multiple regimens of drug therapy before undergoing an autologous bone marrow transplant in late 2017.
Her disease was stable until she relapsed in March of 2019 and after additional regimens of drug therapy, became eligible for CAR-T cell therapy.
Sandra traveled from Brazil to the Seidman Cancer Center- University Hospitals in Cleveland, Ohio to participate in a CAR-T cell clinical trial led by Drs Paolo Caimi and Marcos de Lima.
Sandra’s CAR-T cells were made at the University Hospital Cellular Therapy Facility in less than two weeks using her own T cells and an automated device called the Prodigy.
After receiving her CAR-T cell therapy Sandra went into complete remission and has been disease-free ever since.

“My story in Cleveland, more specifically at Seidman Cancer Center – University Hospital, not only provided me with my cure but also a less invasive treatment with milder side effects. I will be eternally grateful for the development of this medicine, especially the CAR-T cell therapy and the opportunity to be blessed with the chance of a healthy and happy life. My CAR-T cell therapy was done on September 14th, 2019 and I’m cured and hoping that will continue forever. Gratitude!”
-Sandra de Souza Silva