Caring Cross partners with international organizations to help enable global equitable access to advanced medicines. Some examples of our partnerships are shown here below:

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF):
Caring Cross has been working with the BMGF to develop Lentiviral vector manufacturing processes to decrease the cost of delivery of gene therapies. This project has focused upon development of Lentiviral vectors that can be used directly as injectable medicines for the treatment of HIV and Sickle Cell Disease.

Global Gene Therapy Initiative (GGTI):
Caring Cross is a founding member of the GGTI. The GGTI is a working group that holds weekly meeting to discuss the affordability and access of gene therapies globally.
These meetings provide important knowledge transfer on the issues surrounding technology and access to gene therapies. The working group also strategizes to help individual members partner on select projects that improve access to advanced medicines, particularly in low-and middle-income countries.
Caring Cross is seeking additional foundational support for an increasing number of initiatives that facilitate equitable global access to cellular gene therapies.
Inquires can be directed to [email protected].
Your donation will help translate our plans into concrete actionable steps to make curative approaches to SCD and HIV available in low and middle-income countries.
Adair JE, Androski L, Bayigga L, Bazira D, Brandon E, Dee L, Deeks S, Draz M, Dubé K, Dybul M, Gurkan U, Harlow E, Kityo C, Louella M, Malik P, Mathews V, McKemey A, Mugerwa H, Muyanja D, Olayiwola O, Orentas RJ, Popovski A, Sheehy J, Ssali F, Nsubuga MS, Tisdale JF, Verhoeyen E, Dropulić B. Towards access for all: 1st Working Group Report for the Global Gene Therapy Initiative (GGTI). Gene Ther. 2021 Sep 8. doi: 10.1038/s41434-021-00284-4